I have been taking a fine interest in Maslow's characteristics of Self Actualizers from his case studies. I read his stuff and I feel as sane as a 2 year old! Okay, maybe that wasn't the best of comparisons! Bottom line: As insane as I drive myself and everyone else sometimes OR as insane as someone drives me!; There are certain things I know that will always hold true. I can really relate to this guy cause I find myself with similar traits! There are 15 characteristics to his study.
#1 Efficient perception of reality - They do not let their own wishes and desires colour their perceptions. Consequently, they are able to detect the deceitful and fake.
I see through people like a mirror. This explains why the mask they grip on to so firmly drops off in due time. It gets exhausting when you try to be someone you're not.
#2 Acceptance of themselves, others and nature or fate - They realize that people, including themselves, make mistakes and have frailties and they accept this fact. They do not always evaluate others, categorizing them as good or bad. They accept natural events, even disasters, as part of life.
We are only human and its through mistakes that we learn and gain experience. Mistakes are an essential learning process but it works just as well, if we're able to learn from another individual's short comings as well.
#3 Spontaneity - Their behaviour is marked by simplicity and honest naturalness. They do not put on airs or strain to create an effect. They trust their impulses.
We like being ourselves and we expect people to accept us for who we are. We don't need to prove anything to anyone. If you take time to know us, you'll have no problems with trying to understand.
#4 Problem Focus - They have an interest in the larger philosophical and ethical problems of their times. Petty issues hold little interest for them.
Most of the time, we create our own problems whether its intentional or not. Our deepest empathy goes out to to individuals that are really at their lowest (literally)and take it as a challenge to make a difference in their lives.
#5 Affinity for solitude - They are comfortable with being alone.
Being alone, gives you time to think things through. It helps with coming to resolutions. We realise that we need to turn within when loneliness strikes. Everything else, is just temporary.
#6 Independence from culture and environment - They do not go in for fads. They prefer to follow their self determined interests.
Its not about how far it takes you, how much money it brings in or etc. Its about following your interests/dreams. Its like fulfilling that satisfaction.
#7 Continued freshness of appreciation - They have a ''beginner's mind'', for which every event, no matter how common, is experienced as if for the first time. They appreciate the ordinary and find pleasure and awe in the mundane.
We learn not to take things and people for granted. We treat every human being as a unique individual and we never characterize people of similarity together.
#8 More frequent peak experiences. A peak experience us a momentary feeling of extreme wonder, awe and vision. Sometimes called the ''oceanic feeling''. Some people refer to them as ''mystical experiences'', although Maslow said they often come during ordinary day to day activities such as while out jogging or while cooking dinner. They are special experiences that appear to be very meaningful to the person who has one.
This is pretty hard to elaborate on. Its like finding yourself at a stand still all of a sudden; even the word self realization, appears to be an understatement. Its a feeling like no other and it can only be explained when you face it.
#9 Genuine desire to help the human race. Although many self actualizes were great and important people in history; ordinary people can be self actualized as well. All self actualizers however tend to have a deep and sincere caring for their fellow humans.
There isnt a need to be rich or famous in order to be a self actualizer and make a difference. We choose who we want to be and believe me, the angels sing when you resist temptation! ;) I care about human beings so much cause every one of us is apart of him. Thats the closest statement I could think of that explains why I feel the way I do.
#10 Deep ties with relatively few people. Although they care deeply about others, they have relatively few very good friends. They tend to prefer being extreamly private and allow only a few people to really know them.
I think I like this characteristic best. Personally, it holds true. The problem is we are social misfits cause we chose to be different and showing the real us to people, will only send them running for their lives. We tend to be a real challenge! However, if you are true... we open up and you'll realize the hidden extrovert within :)
#11 Democratic values - They respect and value everyone and are not prejudiced in terms of holding stereotypes about people based on superficial characteristics, such as race, religion, sex and age.
Basically, we accept people for who they are.
#12 Ability to descriminate between means and ends. They enjoy doing something for its own sake, rather them simply doing something for the goals the activity can fufill. For example they may take up gardening not so much for the vegetables but because they take pleasure in the process of gardening.
There are no motives. We do the things we do for pure pleasure and satisfaction. Like they say, its the journey that counts; not the ending!
#13 Philosophical sense of humor - Most humor is an attempt to make fun of a perceived inferiority of a person or group of people. Self actualizers do not think such jokes are funny. Instead, what they find funny are examples of human foolishness in general. Their humor tends to be more thoughtful and philosophical.
Human foolishness - hell yeah! We're careful with our choice of words and sensitive to the feelings of people around.
#14 Creativity can be thought of as the ability to see connections between things - connections that no one has seen before. They are more likely to be creative because of their fresh perception of even ordinary things.
A perceptive individual is dangerous :) We see through lies and deciet and Psychology has no part to play in this. When we find out the true morally unacceptable intentions that people have, we're done with them.
#15 Resistance to encultration - Cultures tell us how to behave, how to dress and even how to interact with another individual. Self actualizers remain detached from culture bond rules and resist being immersed in the requirements of society. They often appear different from and act differently than the crowd.
We believe in creating our own style! The whole idea of going with the crowd, does not work with us. We're extreamly comfy with ourselves and we personally do not care about what people think. We stand out from the crowd as ''misfits'' but we know, who we really are and we're proud of it! :)
I might be right or wrong about the whole elaboration bit. This is just from a personal point of view and probably every individual would come up with a different concept on what Maslow was trying to explain.
You actually plowed thru all 15 characteristics - my, my ... you're writing an essay, not a blog. Too long to read all, sorry but at least now I know Maslow's 15 characteristics of what's-that-again? Self-Actualization? Cheem... I know only of his hierarchy of needs. :)
Haha! I think I'm not going to have a problem with writing a thesis in future! :P Self Actualization/Realization compels one to probe their existence and live life to the best of their ability :)
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